Each Reference Number (Ref.#) links to the
Internet Movie Database(IMDb) website's information
for that title.
(The links are not underlined until the mouse is hovering over them.
Each Title (Title) links to a detailed
information page for that title.
(The links are not underlined until the mouse is hovering over them.
"[Blu‑ray]" obviously means it is a Blu-ray disc.
"[Blu‑ray 3D] = XX"
represents a 3D Blu-ray disc and the XX is a rating number from 1 to 10.
(No number means that it has not yet been rated)
"D-Box" means there are D-Box motion codes for this title.
(See also: D-Box.com)
AFI: XX is the The Americam Film Institute's
Top 100 American Film's XX standing.
(See also: The Americam Film Institute's Top 100 American Films below)
Rated is the IMDb's user 0.0 to 10.0 rating
with at least and 6,000 users voting and the "#XXX" is where this title was in the
IMDb's list of the top 250 movies.
Important Notice:
Since different indexes link to the same movie details page, the close button at the
bottom of any movie page operates the same as the back button on your browser so it
should return you to the same index that you used to access that movie page.
Alphabetical Index -
is arranged alphabetically and contains only titles that are
actually part of this DVD collection. It does include all ordered titles that have
already shipped but have not yet arrived and titles that have been loaned out, but
it excludes all wish list, ordered but not shipped and
information only titles.
Chronologically By Date Bought -
is arranged chronologically by the date purchased
(bought), with the newest titles listed first. It includes
all titles in the database for which there is enough information
to generate a web page. All titles are listed alphabetically by status.
The available titles are listed first followed by loaned,
rented, wish list, and lastly the information only.
3D Index -
is arranged alphabetically and pulls out all of the
3D titles that are actually part of this DVD collection. It does include
all ordered titles and titles that have been loaned out, but it
excludes all wish list, and information only titles.
Image Index -
shows the Movie Poster and Title
(i.e. the movie poster is the picture on the front of the DVD case).
NOTE: Any title which has a
background color is currently "on-loan".
List-of-Titles -
is a list that is completely user defined. It is composed of
only the titles that were available in the pull down list at the time that
this List-of-Titles was created. Any special selection options, sort
order, or find criteria remain in effect during the creation of this list.
This list is the best way to make and print a specialized database selection.
NOTE: This list is only user definable from the DVDMovies database
program that generates it.
From the web site it appears as a static list that contains only the
information from the criteria in use when the list was last generated
(which could be anything).
- is a list of titles and loanees for this DVD collection.
The Americam Film Institute's Top 100 American Films
- In June of 1998, the American Film Institute celebrated
100 years of moviemaking by publishing a list of the top 100 American films.
The winning films were selected by 1,500 leaders in the American film
community, and reflect the rich history a century of cinema has brought to
the viewing public. The DVD indicate whether the film is available on DVD.
The "check" mark indicated that that title is in this DVD collection.
The updated, 10th anniversary edition of the list was released in 2007.
This page was created on Saturday, June 08, 2019 at 03:45:27 PM -- ZotDots -- |